Lazy made me do this.

[🌷Special Edition – for busy Women]

I’ll admit that the title might not sound brilliant but I had an “aha” moment. Which started with my morning oatmeal. The truth is that everyday I wake up into a busy schedule & the one thing that suffers are my meal-times. I do take supplements but I know that it’s food, I still need protein.

[Scheduling & planning my meals & workout.]

[ABOVE: Fit-Foodie ideas on Instagram, it looks time consuming but everything I create is under ten minutes, some are five minute meals.]

Parenting & wellness should go hand in hand, but if you’re a certain type of parent, like I am, you put yourself last. Thus the I’m-too-tired-to-do-anything syndrome sets in. Maybe it’s laziness but the truth is that I’m worn out! So if that sounds lazy then so be it.

Here’s my epiphany, I already know my schedule and like clockwork I don’t have time for a healthy breakfast. I wake up at 5:45am to do a 6:00am Burst then do my daily devotions, check my messages & post on social media. By 7:00am my seven children are up, having breakfast, morning chores, school for the older ones & walk the dog. Then 11:45am rolls around and a puzzled look comes over me, “Did I eat breakfast? What’s for lunch?”

How to empower your lazy self.

As the onset of a afternoon nap closes in on me and I finally stop to eat something. And in my tired state it’s usually a poor choice. Yikes! Time to REWIND!!! This is how I empower my schedule…

  • Friday I do my grocery shopping for the Ohana (family) & me. My list is slightly different from the rest of the household.
  • Friday I grab any fresh or frozen organic fruit & veggies for my smoothies.
  • Sunday I prep my oatmeal, click here to read a previous post.
  • Sunday I also cook up my quinoa in the rice steamer & store it for later.
  • Sunday is when I prep for the week to come.

How it works.

After my 6am burst & devotion I grab my prepared oatmeal. Zero work involved except pouring the hot water and letting it sit while I get my tea ready. I chuck back my supplements & eat breakfast. ✅ Done.

Basically every meal is prepped because I know how lazy/tired I’ll be. If you’ve read my previous post, “Sabotage your way to success” you know where I’m coming from.

I find myself preparing all the mundane task and creating time fun things like a nap, art or read. I love my NEW & improved life.

Your turn.

What can you do in advance to free up some time or make your daily flow feel less stressful?

You need to schedule in some laziness, time in the day to do NOTHING but recharge your body. Start this habit while you’re young it will benefits you as the years pass by.

Speaking of recharging, why not rejuvenate, refresh & revive your entire being. Checkout my other blogpost…

Click here to read, “The three R’s of Spring.”


We set aside one Sunday each month, in Spring, to gather and workout. The crowd changes but their energy is always amazing. Some drive 45min just to workout. Next session will be April 15, 2018.

Are you a Mermaid? 🧜🏽‍♀️ Info & link on the sidebar.

Women who DO don’t wait for permission!

I speak from experience because if I waited I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’m on a WholelisticFit journey and it’s not easy. Excuses and doubt happen but it shouldn’t become a defining factor.

Can you imagine a life without pain, sickness or disease?

What would it take to make that happen?

Stop trying to heal the world. Start healing yourself and the world will take notice. Start with YOU. Because if you’re like me, we’ve seen the headlines and feel the hurt. Our first reaction is sorrow and maybe hopelessness. Sometimes we stop moving all together because we’re chained by sadness. But that’s when you use your WHY to refocus and stay in motion.

Energize your fit schedule with an emotional connection to wellness. Develop a deep and rooted WHY into every squat, plank and burpee.

Make the extra effort, do what the average person wouldn’t. Stay consistent, persevere and believe in the process.

Speaking of process, I was talking to my sister, Make Mahalo, about our goals. She used the term, “the G-d process!” Which I understand as going through challenges KNOWING that there’s a lesson in the midst. The willingness to have faith and keep moving forward.

Will the life lessons ever stop? Probably not. The G-d process seems to be ingrained into the universe.

Keep moving forward!

So I’m doing another fitness concert, and it’s been awhile. The last one was in the Spring and it feels like decades. I can’t wait to sweat along side of some fabulous women and a few good men. The best part is blasting the music 🎶 and moving to the rhythm.

Also if you’re interested my blog has a new article called, “WHY & WILLpower, which do you need first?” It list the 5-Steps-To-A-Strong-Why and includes some pinable quotes. Keep in mind that you have to be a MERMAID to read it, and membership is free. Click here to become a Mermaid.

I’m closing with a few vision boards I created and posted on Instagram! PEACE Be the Journey, Ho’omālamalama


How STRONG is your WHY?

Living fit is only part of the journey, having a holistic life brings every facet of your BEing into balance. And balance isn’t perfection it’s grounding. Which leads me to the title, “How STRONG is your WHY?”

This journey called life is meant to challenge your WHY, but if you lack foundation & balance then your WHY will crumble under the weight of  L-I-F-E. So let’s talk about your why as in why live healthy, holistic & happy.

Do you deserve healthy, holistic & a happy existence? None of us deserve or are entitled to it but we can earn it. I once heard a wise elder say,

You were given the gift of life, now you have to earn your living.

In other words we don’t wake up winding a dial that’s attached to our heart. The heart has its own intelligence, that’s the gift of life. Yet how we take care of our hearts is an example of us earning a living.

Your why is the emotional connection between appreciating the gift and earning it. It’s your anchor ⚓️ into everything you do. This is the secret sauce to having a powerful why, the type that moves mountains. [That’s why I’ve created the MERMAID e-news to stay connected.]

I started this blog to encourage my sister through stage-4 cancer and one of the harshest chemo treatments, confessed by the nurses, they’ve ever heard of. You can read my why here but to summarize we did a complete 180• and changed everything.

Somewhere in the mix they wanted to remove her uterus because that’s where the cancer was. It started as a molar pregnancy that spread into bladder and lungs. However after a combination of modern, ancient & holistic therapies she was deemed cancer free by her doctor. While looking at her X-ray he & the nurse said it was one of the most beautiful uterus they’ve ever seen.

Q: What was her why?

A: That’s simple her children.

Q: But I’ve heard that before. So what made her why so different?

A: The energy she put behind it!

Q: Did she do it alone?

A: No, she incorporated a team & consciously surrounded herself with love.

Q: Is it safe to assume that her why needed help?

A: Yes, all of us will face moments when our why requires a little boost. That’s when we enlist the energy of others to carry us through. This can be emotional support, teachings or reading something to encourage us.

I’m excited to announce that I will be going full-time into my WholelisticFit coaching helping other women regain the power of their why and thrive.

Which brings me to another announcement: My sister just gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Both a miracle and a confirmation of our Spiritual foundation.

I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken…

My husband adoring a bundle of grace, mercy & unconditional love. [ALOHA] I’m sharing this, very private, moment with you to encourage YOU, yes YOU. Miracles do happen! You have all the resources, tools and knowledge at your fingertips. All you have to do is put energy behind your why.

I took a snapshot of the scenery outside of the birth center & tons of baby pictures. But the purpose of this blog isn’t to show off my nephew, it’s to testify to the power of WHY.

There are steps to connect to your why.

I’ve grown to understand and appreciate the process of reconnection. And I was also grateful that my sister allowed me to coach her even in the delivery room.

There in the delivery room both her life and babies life faced hurdles. My sister’s body had grown tired and weak. The midwife’s assistant was concerned because her water broke, baby was in the birth canal but her push wasn’t strong enough. Meanwhile a host of family members stood in prayer.

We all go through moments of doubt, which is why a coach is so important.

And then I spoke, “You can and will do this because your Savior has brought you this far and HE can do anything but fail. Stop fidgeting and use the contraction to push baby out! Short sips of air into your nose then exhale him out.”

See him in your arms and send your energy there.

Sometimes we have to refocus our why.

Partner with a coach that can see your potential, remind and hold you accountable. It’s their job to ignore the excuses and condition your mind for excellence.

This is the type of WholisticFit coach I’ve become. Through trials and personal tribulations becoming a student to the teachings of  L-I-F-E. My goal is to connect women to their power of why which is MANA WAHINE. Women of power. This power doesn’t stand alone, it’s a culmination of experiences. The life lessons taught overtime from one generation to another.

Seasons of change… for the better.

I’ve enjoyed blogging here and I feel that it has become a testimony to the circle-of-life. [Enter the Lion King theme.]

Through this blog I’ve shared, stirred the mind & supported a place of growth. And now it’s time to open my arms to the future of sister-hood. Create a virtual space of excellence. I hope you will transition with me and become a MERMAID to receive my e-news. Also I’ll be posting on my blog WholelisticFit regularly and creating content for women who pave the way. I look forward to seeing you there.

PS: As a sweet parting gift here’s a 60min course I created called BALANCED BEAUTY. Use is in good health and share the link with others. PEACE Be the Journey.

3 Changes 2 Better

I’m always learning and processing. Especially when confronting uncomfortable change. When I first started teaching STRONG By Zumba® I was way out of my league, but I wanted change. 

Being a mother of seven [7] I didn’t want to look like I gave birth to seven. I wanted to be healthy enough to play soccer ⚽️ with them.  Hike and create an active lifestyle. 

My goal was to embrace where I was and suffer through the workout, to be STRONG. Happily, I no longer suffer through the workout because my body is conditioned to flow with it. 

Here’s what I did in info-pic form…

[PS: Comment if you want to dive into a life changing experience of your own.]

Get my post: How to get over a fear-of-success. You can expect a questionnaire and resources. Start living your fit life today. 

Beautiful Mind – Day 25, 26, 27

Desire is just the start but we all need motivation outside of our circle of friends. (Why?) Because a persons feelings for you can often cloud sound advice. Most times our friends don’t want to offend us since they have to live with us but a coach or mentor has nothing to loose. So what’s the difference between a mentor, coach & program?

Mentor is a wise advisor who can choose to take you under their wings in which case you become their protégé. They’ll mold and shape you into their version of a mini-me and you benefit from their years of experience, connections & unlimited wisdom. The downside is that you become their footstool for awhile but the upside is that you usually don’t have to pay for their assistance.

Coach is a person who will train you and provide motivation to get you to perform at your best. Often you will create such a strong bond that the choices you make will be based off your feelings of not letting them down.  You trust them and in return they will help you reach your goal. The downside is that you have to pay for their professional teaching and better coaches have a higher rate. The upside is their consistency and passion that drives us to the finish line.

Program is a Do-It-Yourself or DIY type of self motivated session. It’s often cheaper (or free) and can consist of worksheets, specific blogpost, monthly challenges, journal entries, app or private web pages for accountability. There’s little to no conversation unless you initiate a discussion. The downside is that you can feel alone in the process but the upside is that you might not want someone up in your business and you want to take your time.

You get what you pay for.

How to choose? Time is money, you’re paying for their time and attention. The difference is similar to private school vs public school and the outcome depends on your participation. (Private school classrooms aren’t as crowded yet public schools are often over-crowded.) Another comparison is personal trainer vs fitness app where both are helping you stick to your plan but the greatest difference is the accountability. It really is based off of how much attention do you want and are you willing to pay for it. 

  • Write down your big goal.
  • Research options according to price point.
  • Choose one that fits your budget, lifestyle & goal setting.
  • Enroll and get started.

Use your gut or intuition when choosing a mentor, coach or program. 

When is it too much? If the trainer is making you feel uncomfortable or incompetent then pull the plug. If you’re putting in all the effort and are lacking results. If they constantly are adding new fees or additional charges and you feel like their ATM. If you notice a characteristic that offends you. (Always looking at your… earlobes. Lol)  Reconsider this transaction and find a better fit for you.

Foodie Fit: I LIKE 💜 making sushi & kawaii bento boxes for my Ohana (family) this is one of the people I subscribe to. (Japanese have amazing way of making lunch fun.)

Dance Fit: Gina (Grant) Wonder is a Zumba fave 💚

Please LIKE 😉 Subscribe ✔️ Comment 📱 Share 💓   

Beautiful Mind – Day 22

Tiding up that busy mind takes practice but with this simple exercise you’ll make it happen. You can do this on a regular basis to help you plan out your activities from most important to least. You can post your feedback in the comments.

  1. This is also known as a brain dump and the idea is to make a list of everything that you need to do.
  2. Then grab a marker for each category and circle the word that corresponds.
  3. Finally, rewrite that list but in columns: Self-care, Family, Work, Fun, Give.
  4. If there are words left without a category you can decide to trash it (because that thought doesn’t serve you) or release it (there might be things on your list that isn’t your responsibility.
  5. What category has the most? Least? Which one would you like to do more in? Least? Are you surprised by your list?

From the new list, step 3, you can create a schedule around that things that matter most. However, be careful of the rabbit holes or the thoughts that take you away from your purpose. I truly hope that fitness is on your list.

Foodie Fit: oh yum it’s curry!

Dance Fit: one of our fave Zumba educators. Follow him on Instagram and see the world.

Become a catalyst for positive change.

As always I hope you like, subscribe & share this months BEAITIFUL MIND challenge. PEACE be the Journey.

Sharing something I did with a few friends this weekend.