September’s fitness challenge.

Aloha, It’s September?!

Where has time gone? I’ll tell you where it went… it’s in the sunsets that we hiked under, the streams where we collected stones and the fitness challenges we completed! Speaking of challenges I forgot to post about September’s fitness challenge. This one is a little different because I involved my daughters.

September is HABIT-TRACKING month!!!

Pick a current habit to track or track a new habit. So track your squat, core, ab or any challenge you want. Below are examples to get your creative side involved. I made a simple printable that you can use based off a powerful thought…

She said that she could and she did it

Each letter represents one day so this simple quote is a 30-day habit-tracker. [HT] The idea is to decorate it by creating a border or art then coloring each letter one day at a time.

Why use a HT and the benefits, read more here.

How to use a HT and decorate it, learn more here.

Example #1 Core Strength HT

It’s a collage of images glued on and I’m using watercolor pencils to track my habit. I suggest using premium paper or matted photo paper. Experiment to find one that works for the medium you’re using. Just remember that glue and paint can warp the paper, that’s what happen to me. I’m tracking 30 days of core strength using yoga poses or Asana.

Example #2 Water HT

This one was a mess but we had fun. If you decide to paint over your printable make sure to use light colors so you can see the letters. The glitter was crazy but my youngest wanted to make sure that the mermaid had a happy place to swim. I showed her how to do a simple Zentangle and she took off with it.

Example #3 Self-Care HT

This is definitely the teenage version. Spray inks a stencil and a little bit of glitter. The letters are watercolor pencils and they really stand out. Going through adolescence is such a challenge but so is the acne. [I’m so glad those days are over!] My oldest daughter is tracking her skin-care routine, reading and water intake. Which is why there’s three colors. So far so good.

Example #4 Meditation HT

I’m also tracking my daily meditation and used watercolor to paint my version of the tree of life. Each letter is a doodle of random designs. I don’t mediate regularly so I’m using this to revitalize an old habit.

All of our HT’s are on the fridge, the most prominent place in my house [Lol], so we can grab and use them on a regular basis. The overall goal is to pay attention to our habits. The benefit is that we’re left with a reminder of our AWESOMENESS.

I’ve also included a link for you to get the free printable and start using the QUOTE + 30DAY HT. Of course this comes with my ultra-exclusive newsletter which you can opt-out at any time. But if you choose to stay know that you’ll be part of the MERMAID pod. You can read more about that here.

Join the newsletter & start using this quote-able habit-tracker.  Click on the images below to grab your HT. Psst… We won’t send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.


August’s Fitness Challenge 

The inspiration behind this challenge came from an info-graphic on my Pinterest board. I tried to find where it originated to give them credit. But every time I found that image and clicked, it lead me to a different blog or website. It was so confusing. 

Nevertheless I chose to name my version ✨”ABracadabra” because it sounded cooler than ab-challenge. Imagine melting away flabbiness and embracing a toned tummy. 🙌🏽 I’m down with that.

So my workout crew is waking up at 5:30am to join me on Facebook Livestream to do this together. We just completed ✅ last months 5min Plank challenge below. 👇🏽

So we’re at it again.

I normally don’t post back to back so if you’re reading this and wanted to read my other post: The Fit Side of HULA -or- HULA FITNESS click here. Or the image below.

PS: If you’re wondering here’s this month’s Zumba with Ho’o fitness schedule. 😉 If you were wondering. 💋

July’s Fitness Goals

I'm challenging all MANA WAHINE to plank, yes I said PLANK, during the month of July.

[Why?] There are so many benefits when holding a properly aligned plank. Muscle's, cells, hair follicle are all participating. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating by a hair. Lol, sorry about the weak pun.

[Can beginners participate?] Anyone who wants to, and has medical approval, can participate. Below is the info-pic I created as a guide. Pin-it and use it daily. I hope you have fun with this challenge and join me. Comment below if you are.

I'll be on Facebook Livestreaming daily with my MANA WAHINE. We checkin at 5:30am daily to follow the chart above. Talk about dedication!  We're starting off will smaller increments that will increase daily.

I also have a new workout schedule for July. It's going to be a fun month. So have a safe 4th and stay hydrated. PEACE Be the Journey.

I like to swap off fitness styles to give my MANA WAHINE a full body workout. Which is your favorite?


Gratitude Challenge ✨

I’m revisiting a thread of prompts to motivate my mind into a place where wellness can thrive.

Did you know that Gratitude benefits your body as much as it does your mind. Ever heard the old saying, “Thoughts become things.”

Let’s rededicate our energy into positive thoughts about ourselves and our environment. The timing is perfect because the holidays can bring about mixed emotions which can prevent our physical success. We might miss someone that is no longer here or feel upset about past failures.

There’s a sense of time rushing by and our “To Do” list grows longer by the minute. Then we have to factor in deadlines, holiday related activities and so much more. Which is why we need to stop the insanity and slow down.

I can’t tell you the benefits of joining this challenge you have to feel it.

Will you join me?

  1. Become a Mermaid.
  2. Prompts will be delivered into your inbox starting November 1, 2016.
  3. Print the free PDF that allows you to jot down a reflection. (💌 Emailed with your welcome letter.)
  4. Post your thoughts in the comment section after the post. (✨ So we can connect.)
  5. Send this blog post to someone you care about and have them join you.

I’m scheduling time to complete the 21 day assignments because I need this. Being a fitness professional has its own set of ups and downs. Inspiring others while remaining self-motivated. Giving 110 % over and over again without sick days. Wow that sounds like MOTHERHOOD.

I completed this process during the spring but so much has changed. Nothing truly remains the same. So what are you waiting for? Let’s do this together. Stay fit and move for love. 💙

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🍃🍂 (This is a new FB page and I appreciate the LIKES)



Hosting a fitness event. Part 2/2

In my last post I shared about hosting a fitness event, which is 100% based on teamwork, here’s another type called Sponsoring. When you sponsor an event you can enter the agreement in two ways. 

The first type is where you fund the event and reap the benefits from attendees seeing your logo throughout the venue. The host will contact you or you might see an advertisement that suggest “For sponsorship information please email…” or something of that nature.

The second way is to utilize your energy, expertise or connections to sponsor. Basically you’re exchanging time for dollars. This can be beneficial if you are trying to get your business noticed and are boot-strapping to save dollars. 

This year I joined One Condition Fitness‘s owner Leilani Finau, her sister Tia and an impressive list of Sponcers. Lei came up with the STRONG WARRIOR CHALLENGE and hustled to make it happen. I met fitness instructors from all walks of life who participate in OCF at some level. I was definitely the oddball joining the team with my Zumba Fitness background but I didn’t mind. 

At the end of the day my duties and business participation was clearly communicated and I was more then happy to follow through. I chose to lend my skills to this event because I really wanted to make positive change in the Native health scene. Her SWC lined up with my values and it was a win/win.

 (Above is a picture of Lei giving some final instructions before competition began.)

The 5 benefits of being a Sponcer:

  1. You can choose your level of participation.
  2. Meeting other professionals in the same field.
  3. Utilizing you dollars or talent to reach new clientele.
  4. Collaborations allow you to build community.
  5. Gain experience by helping others achieve their goals.

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    Whose shoes would you walk in?

    Whose shoes would you walk in, so that you can understand what they’re going through? Sometimes the world of fitness can be so judgmental and mean. Labeling people because their body type doesn’t match up to a magazine’s standard. What if we took time to understand a persons health struggles before judging them? Maybe we should walk a mile with them?

    Why not start a wave of wellness in your community. All you have to do is gather a few fitness fanatics, find a place, create an event, print out some registration forms and invite people to join you. Below is the agenda for the Nisqually Tribe’s Wave Of Wellness and you can keep it simple or extravagant, it’s up to you. We’re ending our event with a Heart Happy Walk

    Before you step a foot on the one-mile trail dedicate your walk to someone. Write their name on the poster and step to honor them. It could be someone you want to heal & get better, a memorial or a person that you’re grateful for. It’s their mile that you’re walking.

    Nisqually Tribe’s Wave Of Wellness
    August 1, 2016 @ 7am-12pm
    Nisqually Youth & Community Center (NYCC)
    1937 Lashi St. SE
    Olympia, WA. 98513
    Nisqually Youth & Community Center 
    7am – 10am Registration 
    7am – Sunrise Yoga: Maja Brickner
    8am – Breakfast: Welcome & Guest Speaker: David Bean
    9am – HITT Workout: Kareem Gannie
    10am – Intertribal Fitness: Melvin Blacketer 
    11am – Zumba® Fitness: Ho’omalamalama
    12pm – Heart Happy Walk
    (Each session about 45min with 15min transition)
    Game Rm – Nisqually Garden Learning sessions with the garden team.
    • 9am  
    • 10am
    • 11am
    Leschi Rm – Nutrition with Bernita Learning sessions with the nutritionalist. 
    • 9am
    • 10am
    • 11am

    Mezzanine Walking track above gym.

    Resource vendors who specialize in health and wellness will be setting up tables for non-participants to stroll and collect info. If you would like to be a vendor email



    Beautiful Soul – Day 21

    It’s the 21st day of the BEAUTIFUL SOUL CHALLENGE which deserves a celebration chant. Hip-hip-hooray! Now let’s spend a little time reflecting on the process with a few questions…

    1. Why did you start the BEAUTIFUL SOUL CHALLENGE? (Day 1)
    2. How did you practice gratitude before this challenge?
    3. Was it difficult, at first, focusing on gratitude?
    4. Do you feel that it got easier or harder as time went by?
    5. How can you share your insight with someone else?

    The Soul is multidimensional, brilliant and fragile all at once.  Take time to build a foundation of gratitude that will lead to overall peace & balance. ~Ho’omalamalama 

    I’ve learned that gratitude is the oil in the mechanism of emotional stability. You can live your entire life without it but eventually your emotional gears will wear themselves out. Practicing gratitude will benefit every area of your life. It won’t take away your problems but it can open the way for perseverance and with that you can do anything.



    Look up!

    Beautiful Soul – Day 20

       One day I found myself sitting in on a lecture that felt like it went on for days, as all lectures do. Then the last speaker got up to talk and his words were so prolific that I had to mentally apologize for my previous negative thoughts. (Yes, it’s true I can slip into sarcastic monologue when board out of my mind.)
    Anyway… he said that abundance is like the candles on a cake while the cake itself is similar to scarcity. (Read on, it gets better.)

    A cake can be divided into portions but once taken it can not be replaced therefore becoming scarce and for a few. However, one lit candle can ignite the rest without becoming less of a light in fact the opposite happens. The more candles you light the brighter it becomes which is like having an abundance mindset. (Of  course this is my interpretation, thanks Rabbi Daniel Lapin for the teaching.)

    You can share gratefulness and it will never diminish your worth. This healthy soul activity will flow into your mind and body. 

    But why don’t more people practice gratitude? Because it’s not a social norm. It is a life skill. And no one person or business can make millions off of something we can do for ourselves. Can you imagine the gratitude pill to end all emotional discomfort. 

    Remember to practice a wholelistic fit life which is balancing the whole BEing and working the muscles of your mind, body & soul.


    PEACE Be the Journey.

    Beautiful Soul – Day 19

       Maybe you’ve noticed that I usually start these BEAUTIFUL SOUL CHALLENGES with a prompt and then finish off with a quote. The purpose is to become a catalyst for your thoughts and then reaffirm it with a brilliant saying. (Usually someone else, Lol.)

    You are a beautiful soul and this was created just for you. Yes it’s personal and yes it’s intentional. I want you to take five minutes and jot down what you’re grateful for and increase it over time. 

    I’m going to spend…

    • 5 Minutes Daily
    • 15 Minutes Daily
    • 20 Minutes Daily 
    • 25 Minutes Daily 
    • 30 Minutes Daily 

    on my self care through journaling. 

    You can start with gratitude post and then move onto other subjects but always take time to be grateful for something. If you don’t feel comfortable with journaling or wonder if journaling is similar to keeping a diary then here’s a post just for you: Why is a diary NOT a journal.



    Beautiful Soul – Day 18

       Was there someone who enlightened your life by something they said or did? The chances are that we’re all a product of someone’s fire who lit or rekindled the fire within us. These encounters are a gift but it wasn’t meant to stop with them. You have the ability to share and illuminate others through your goals, trials and successes.

    Goals give us a human BEing connection and allows others to BElieve within themselves. We create community and are relatable. Have you ever joined something because their goal matched yours? 

    Trials are necessary because without them you wouldn’t know what success feels like. As a parent I use to prevent the trials that my children faced then I learned that I was doing them a disservice. 

    Success uplifts everyone, with a good heart, who watched you plan and work through your trials. This becomes the sweet tasting reward of diligence. 


    Speaking of goals do you want a healthy body? I created BEAUTIFUL BODY Challenge and it’s not what you might expect. 

    Comment for connection.